are Looking For a Top best, Good & Funny Cow Names for your farmyard animals, Then You are at Right Place
Here we Have Introduced 1000+ Cow Names With Categories Like Disney Names, Cartoon, Cow Baby & House Cow Names
Names Available From Jersey to Holstein Friesian cattle, tiny, newly-born calves & many Other Like Black Cow, Funny Cow, White & black & White Cow etc.
So, You Don’t need to go anywhere
Check out our top 15 monikers and available a list of over 1000 names with meanings; so, lets get started!
You May Also Like This Great Collection of Female Cow Name Which are Also Most Unique All Over The Worlds.

Top 15 Best Cow Names
- Flopsy: a great name if paired with a cow names ‘Mopsy’
- Oink: a amazing names this will also best like a funny and ironic option
- Winnie the Moo: opposite if classic fictional character ‘Winnie the Pooh’
- Bertha: Perect for a popular cow
- Mama Moo: it’s same like ‘Winnie the Pooh’
- Mina Lisa: fun with the famous painting of ‘Mona Lisa’
- Cockde koo: for a cow who wake up everyone early in the morning!
- Buttercup: nickname of the yellow flowers
- Milkshake: a funny name for a cow who give lots of milk!
- Adele: a strong name which is suitable for ‘nobility’
- Alma: a good name for a good cow
- Salma: instantly convert from ‘alma’
- Guy: a ‘Gujarati’ meaning of cow
- Daisy: a cow who smell like yellow and white flower
- Dora: a gift for a cow

Another 99 Cow Names
- Babe: gift from the ‘the big blue ox’
- Adeline: one who is noble cow
- Annie: a name which is classic for a Cow
- Bella: a cow who loved ‘Bail’
- Bail: Hindi translate of ‘Bull’
- Betsy: a ‘daughter of God’
- Boes: taken from the Dutch comic
- Bossy: for a cow who Annoyance to you
- Candy: a sweet name for a sweet cow!
- Meg: Only For a ‘Megan Fox’ Lovers
- Molly: a classic name which is very popular
- Moo: a sound which is amkes by a cow after fooding
- Moolan: a taken from the Disney character ‘Mulan’
- Moon: a cute choice like moon in the sky
- Nellie: an adorable choice for new Cow
- Olive: Taken from the Olive tree
- Oliver: a famous Disney character!
- Oreo: best for the black & white cow
- Ketrina: a famous Bollywood actress from india
- Pinky: an adorable name for a cow which look like in pink color
- Rose: for a Better understanding cow
- Rosie: Created from the ‘Rose’
- Ruby: French Translate of ‘red jewel’
- Rosemary: Combination of two words ‘Rose’+’Mary’
- Roxanna: you can also choose ‘Roxie’ for short one
- Sally: Hebrew Translate of ‘princess’
- Shelly: start after light close
- Sophie: a classic version of some cute Girl
- Stella: Latin Translate from ‘star’
- Sue: a short version of ‘Susan’
- Sugar: a sweetest little cow for you
- Sunny: work everything as you say
- Sylvia: Latin word translate from ‘one who is from the forest’
- Trudy: French translate from ‘curly haired’
- Vera: a town in Italy, suit for all kinds of cows!
- Willa: short form of the ‘Wilhelm’
- Waffles: a cute cow which look like a sweet dessert!
- Vivian: a Spanish nickname of a cow
- Violet: a ‘happy girl’, & the name of beautiful flower
- Mopsy: perfect paired for another name ‘Flospy’
- MooMoo: a funny name for a cow who continually mooing!!
- Mavis: taken from the ‘Mavis bird’
- Maxine: translate from ‘the greatest’ Latin word
- Baba: our cute lover who trust us
- Dada: Hindi Words a father of father
- Tau: its also a Funny Name for cow
- Maggie: short form of ‘Margaret’
- Maddie: short form of ‘Madeline’
- Marvel: a Famous Name
- Matilda: one who is courageous in war
- Maisie: a Scottish word it’s meaning is ‘pearl’
- Lucy: a famous Sci-fi Hollywood Film
- Lola: Spanish Word it’ smeaning ‘lady of sorrows’
- Lois: a Greek word, it’s meaning ‘one who is more desirable’
- Lila: an English & hindi pet name
- June: perfect for a Cow born in June Month
- Julia: a Swedish word it’s meaning is ‘youthful one’
- Josie: short form of classic name ‘Josephine’
- Iris: Greek words it’s meaning is ‘rainbow’
- Imo: short form of ‘Imogen’
- Ida: it’s Germal meaning is ‘one who is works hard’
- Helena: Greek meaning of ‘one who shines’
- Hazel: a natural choice for a cow
- Greta: a precious, Swedish name it’s meaning is ‘pearl’
- Gloria: meaning in Latin is ‘glory’ & ‘renown’
- Gertie: German Translate ‘strong spear’ Suitable for Strong Cow
- Frances: one who is Always free
- Flora: short form of ‘flower’ and latin Translate
- Eve: life after life in ‘Hebrew’
- Esme: ‘to love’ in French
- Elsa: a famous Disney’s name
- Ella: beautiful fairy woman in English
- Eliza: a short form of ‘Elizabeth’
- Eli: a short form of ‘Eliza’
- Boes: taken from the ‘Dutch comic’
- Muriel: a bright sea in Celtic Languge
- Candie: This is a cute names like ‘Homer’
- Armor: Suitable for burly bull.
- Margie: Sister of ‘Margo’
- Bella: Italian Meaning ‘beautiful’
- Daisy: a cartoon cow taken from ‘the Mickey Mouse’
- Hydro: its Meaning is water a Cool name
- Earl: This is a best option for bulls
- Bob: use both cow & Bulls
- Blanca: a Spanish meaning of ‘white’
- Ginger: Suitable for red-colored cows
- Humphry: a cute cow name
- Milkmaid: a cow which give too much milk
- Toro: Spanish meaning of ‘bull’
- Mud Pie: Suitable for brown-colored cows
- Anna: a shortened version of ‘Annabelle’
- Muffin: a cute cow name
- Cocoa: a good name brown color cow
- Henrietta: a fancy name for a cow
- Big Mac: a Cute name
- Horns: when you just have to take bull with the horns
- Tank: For muscular bulls
- Hydro: a cool name, it’s meaning is water
- Sampson: a strong Bull
How to Choose Perfect Name for your Cow
First Choose any name from this article list with Funny Cow Names if you can’t find names then check this strategies to find out perfect name for your pets

- Choose such names that show pets features: spots of color, tufts of hair, or long eyelashes, Fooding.
- Try Shorted version of any Big Name Like Imo: short form of ‘Imogen’ , Sue: a short version of ‘Susan’
- Choose Name From This color of cow Like White Cow ‘Whiteen’ , ‘Oreo’ best for the black & white cow
- If you have a More cows, create a pair of their names, bais of different flowers, countries, famous artists, different colors, dairy/beef products, cartoon characters.
- Give Random Number like ‘35455’
check out some other names differentiate whether it is funny, punny, cute, good, traditional Like Male Cow Name.
House Cow Names
this is perfect name for a cow who live in house you can choose your pets name from this list
here we have also highlighted some names which is our favorite
Candie | Minnie | Meg |
Dahlia | Margie | Lois |
Flower | Maggie | Jasmine |
Darla | Esmeralda | Bella |
Daisy | Shelly | Rose |
Cute Cow Names
it’s your duty to give perfect name for a perfect cow
here is he best cute names for your Cutipy it’s also perfect for house cow

Honeybun | Cookie | Pinky |
Sweetie | Sunny | Blue |
LovaBull | Sunshine | Sugar |
Cupcake | Cocoa | Booboo |
Baby | Muffin | Princess |
Funny Cow Names
sometimes some people wants such Funny Cow Names for his/her Pets
so, here we have also try to list out some amazing funny cow names i think this will help to find out best names for your pets.

Big Mac | Moscow | MooMoo |
Daisy | Buttercup | Milkshake |
Winnie the Moo | Waffles | Bessie |
Rosie | Cocoa | MooDonna |
Moolawn | Big Mac | Moogan Freeman |
Justa Cow | Holy Cow | Al Poochino |
Madonna | Mud Pie | Cowlick |
Bigmoocow | Snoozer | Fatmoocow |
Bertha | Shrimp | Ineda Bunn |
Waffles | Brown Cow | Mickey D. |
Hamburger | Humphry | Heifer |
Cow names in hindi
Ek dam Jakkas Name of Cow Specilly for indian people and hindi Lovers

Nandini | Surabhi |
Kamadhenu | Gayatri |
Nagori | Rathi |
lali | Mamni |
cow names in sanskrit
For all The Indian People and Sanskrit Lovers and Hindi Language Lovers Must check This Name

गोरस | गव्य | भद्रा |
गवामृत | धेनु | माहेयी |
अही | महीलुका | गोणी |
कल्याणी | अनडुही | निलिम्पा |
वनधेनु | माहेन्द्री | अदिति |
सरस्वती | गोता | बहुला |
Cartoon Cow Names
it’s a One type of Disney Names Which is Used in Any Cartoon Film.

Cartoon Cow Names | Name |
Clarabelle Cow | Maggie |
Annabelle | Chik-Fil-A Cows |
Cow (Cow and Chicken) | Taurus Bulba |
Yakkity Yak | Otis |
Molly Moo-Cow | Daisy |
Elmer the Bull | Minotaur |
Elsie the Cow | Milky White (Into the Woods) |
Rocky the Bull | Calloway |
Ferdinand the Bull | Abby |
Heffer Wolfe | Apis Bull |
Laughing Cow Cheese | Abigail |
Toro the Bull | Appa |
Chewcudda | Benny the Bull |
Grace | Hey Diddle Diddle |
Cow Names From A To Z
cow names start from A to Z Which help to find names as your favorite
A | Amber | Ada |
Alane | Angel | Abbie |
Anuva | Amy | April |
Alair | Anya | Asya |
B | Bailey | Barney |
Bruna | Bear | Bamba |
Briella | Babs | Bedoin |
Breeda | Bee Bee | Beetroot |
C | Cailean | Calvin |
Charlaine | Capan | Carla |
Chela | Caroline | Casey |
Cindel | Cassey | Cathal |
D | Dafony | Dala |
Dionne | Dezzie | Diesel |
Devan | Dinkey | Dixie |
Danni | Dolly | Doreen |
E | Elan | Elfie |
Estee | Elsie | Elmo |
Elissa | Elvis | Emry |
Eadlin | Enie | Ernie |
F | Fan | Fanny |
Felicity | FezFleur | Floppy |
Fara | Florida | Fozzy |
Fleur | Fran | Frap |
G | Garella | Genny |
Gisela | Gertie | Ginger |
Gabriella | Godiva | Gomer |
Galia | Grady | Gypsy |
H | Harry | Heidi |
Helga | Henery | Hershey |
Harlene | Hetty | Holly |
Hulda | Honey | Hunn |
I | Ida | Ilene |
Iona | Imogene | Irene |
Ivory | Isabelle | Iva |
Izzare | Ila | Illy |
J | Jade | Jaine |
Jana | Jane | Jeebus |
Jamilee | Jenny | Joey |
Jemimah | Jolene | Joseph |
K | Kanga | Kazoo |
Kalila | Katie | Kelly |
Karley | Kobe | Kopper |
Kecia | Kristy | Kudzu |
L | Laura | Leoreo |
Landra | Leah | Leoreo |
Lea | Libby | Lillie |
Leanna | Logan | Liza |
M | Maggy | Maisy |
Madeleine | March | Maria |
Mahala | Marsha | Mary |
Marcelia | Mavis | Melissa |
N | Nemo | NoNo |
Nehama | Nichol | Noel |
Neveah | Nookie | Nuria |
Noelle | Normany | Nuria |
O | Omega | Omy |
Oma | Oney | Oink |
Oralie | Olive | Olivia |
Oriel | Ophelia | Orlando |
P | Pace | Pandy |
Patrice | Patsy | Pat |
Paguita | Pearl | Peggy |
Penelope | Pepper | Pickle |
Q | Quack | Quest |
Queenie | Quartz | Queenie |
R | Radar | Ralphie |
Ranice | Ranquel | Reba |
Raquel | Reddy | Regina |
Reese | Rodney | Rosie |
S | Sally | Sam |
Sapphire | Samantha | Sarah |
Seana | Scarlett | Shadow |
Sela | Shania | Shoofly |
T | Taco | Taylor |
Tahu | Thelma | Terri |
Taura | Thomas | Thunder |
Teisha | Tinker | Toby |
U | Uma | Unicorn |
Una | Ushi | Utah |
V | Vacca | Valence |
Verina | Vegas | Venus |
Voleta | Vernon | Vicky |
Violette | Victoria | Viola |
W | Waako | Wasabi |
Wido | Wilbert | Willa |
Wilda | Winnie | Wisconsin |
Wilma | Wizard | Wonder |
X | Xacery | Xavier |
Xalvadora | Xcellent | Xena |
Y | Yancy | Ykat |
Yedda | Yogi | Yodel |
Yonina | YoullSee | Yolanda |
Yetta | Yamini | Yola |
Z | Zappy | Zoey |
Zina | Zarka | Zander |
Zenobia | Zipper | Zilla |
Zuri | Zoe | Zippy |
Cow Names in Tamil
Check Below names Which are Special Find For Tamil Person.

டாமினி | யமினா |
காவேரி | கெட்டி |
கைனா | கமேலி |
Cow Names Which is Share By The Users
Check out some Powerful name which is already name of our clients & This name is Share With us
Name of Person | Selected Name |
Betty White | budgie |
Maddy Drought | midnight & rose |
Emily | ace |
kristina | egasus (gus), ruby, shaun, norman, tag, chase miss indipendent (indi) |
kylie | blaze |
farm life | Mooana |
Unknown | Try BOGHOSS for a bull |
Daisy | Jane, coolhandluke, hellfire, Tabasco, and butter |
Sky S | Hemie, Kame, Carmal |
LJ | Mary, Elmo & a Tina Turner. |
Joe | Phoebe |
Frona | ruby |
Big mac | bessy |
LeeAnn Marie Cox | ineda bunn |
Cooper | My bulls name is roomservice |
The farmer | ghost |
yoyo | ash or smokey |
prajwal | Nandini |
Amber Baxter | Homer & hydro |
Boy Cow Names
Checkout This Great and Wonderful Collection of Names Which are Perfect To Each and Every names as Listed Below, here We have Given This Fantastik and Amazing Names ideas Which are best For Boy Cow.
Before We go For Any Other Type of Names Ideas You Have To Check This Wonderful Things Regarding Cow Which Can be Easily Become More Powerful For it.
Check This Article For More Details About Boy Cow.
Carl | Anthony |
Connor | Ash |
Dan | Benjamin |
Dominic | Caleb |
Ezra | Carter |
Henry | Christopher |
Hunter | Colton |
Ian | Ethan |
Jack | Gabriel |
Kenny | Jackson |
Nigel | Jayden |
Noah | Liam |
Nolan | Lincoln |
Oscar | Logan |
Phil | Luke |
Rhys | Maverick |
Ryan | Owen |
Simon | Robert |
Vinny | Seb |
Wayne | Theo |
Zeke | Wyatt |
Cow Baby Name
Baby Name For Cow and Cow Baby Name Both are Same, Both Name Always Same When We Talk About Something Which are Most Suitable and Perfect To Know About More and Wonderful Tips.
Just Check This Great Things Which are Most Powerful and Amazing To Know About Them.
So let’s Check This Wonderful Collection of Names Which are Perfect For Cow Baby.
Astro | Cleopatra |
Bead | Diablo |
Bree | Hiccup |
Clifford | Horniman |
Drone | Hulk |
Dumpling | Lolly |
Fig | Moose |
Galaxy | Mucca |
Harley | Nemo |
Imp | Popsicle |
Oakley | Sherman |
Palm | Smithy |
Reef | Speedy |
Tinker | Summer |
Titch | Trident |
Ursula | Vache |
Wazowski | Viper |
Zippy | Wade |
Zorro | Zoomer |
Cow Pun Names
Pun Type of Names Always Perfect When We Talk About Cow Which Can be Easily Trited as Powerful Names Ideas Listed Here Can be Easily Trited as Perfect names Ideas.
Check This Wonderful and Amazing Tricks Which are Most Perfect and Suitable to it.
So Let’s Know About More Related To Cow Pun.
Andrias | Belzes |
Arkros | Brihala |
Ashes | Courage |
Casira | Different |
Compassion | Dorlypsis |
Guvenom | Lillyvia |
Karvir | Nethgoria |
Kyrius | Respect |
Open | Rinarei |
Rolrut | Rixori |
Siremon | Sarcyra |
Sirrut | Seiriza |
Theron | Trust |
Void | Unlocked |
Void | Zaloth |
we hope you have found the amazing Funny Cow Names that suits your special cow
Whether it was the Cute ‘Sunny’, the funny ‘Al Poochino’, or the classic ‘Zoey’ which saw by you, we understand that it’s the best to name for you cow
Still, haven’t found the best cow name Which you were looking for?
Don’t give up here…. keep Thinking. I will sure you will definitely get one of the best one days.
Here we have also Discussed Other Animal Names Like Names of Fishes,Badass Pig Names, Cute Great Names this is also helpful to get perfect name for your pet.
My top names: Clarabelle, Connie, Heffer