Ray of Sickness 5e Powerful Tricks DnD 5e Spell

We all Know Most of People wandering online To get Perfect Information for Their Knowledge, Most of Them Not get Any Perfect Content Easily Check This Article We have Wonderfully Explain About Ray of Sickness 5e with proper images & Comparison With Other 5e Spell.

Ray of Sickness means it can kill anyone Without Touching Them it has Amazing Power you Can Use This wonderfully as We have Described Below.

here we have Fully Described About Casting Time, Duration, Range, Components, Spells List & Classes and Much More Details.

As You Know we always Try To Discussed Any Topics With First Introduction here we have also Started With Short Introduction Table.

Check below Table You Will get All basic Details About This 5e here.

it has 4 main features Which you Can use as mention below.

  • Range Available:- 60 feet
  • Components in use: V, S
  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus action Taken
  • Duration Type: Instantaneous only
Ray of Sickness 5e Introduction

Ray of Sickness 5e Introduction

let’s Check Some important Heading About This Spell Which is Described in Table So, You Can Easily understand Power of This 5e Spell.

Casting Time1 action
Range60 feet
ComponentsV, S
SubclassesSorcerer, Wizard
RacesTiefling (Balzebul)
School TypeNecromancy
Level1st Level
Save withconstitution
Damage WithPoison

You May also Like This 5e Spell.

Ray of Sickness 5e At Higher Levels.

Let’s Check Some Amazing Fact About This 5e Spell which show you any Level How much Damages Will affect To This Spell.

here We have Given This Information With Great Graph Images you Can Easily Understand by Such Graph.

here we have Started 1st Level To 9th Level, Where Damage Dice is also from 2d8 to 10d, and al value separated with min Damage, maximum Damages & Medium also.

Check Below Graph and Share Your Thought About This 5e Graph Also.

Ray of Sickness 5e At Higher Levels.

Difference Between Ray of Sickness With Other 5e Spell

Now we have To Compared All 5e Spell With Each Other To understand Best Powerful 5e Spell Which are Suitable For us.

Difference Between Ray of Sickness With Other 5e Spell

So, here we have also Compared Some Amazing 5e Spell Which are Related To Ray of Sickness 5e with it’s Power, Range, Casting Time Etc, & All Information Described With Graph.

Range Analysis

Range Analisys of Ray of Sickness 5e with other 5e

Components Analysis

Components Analysis

Ray of Sickness 5e Vs Witch Bolt 5e

let’s Comparison 5e Spell With Each Other first we have Started Comparison between Ray of Sickness & Witch Bolt Which are Most Unique 5e Spell.

HeadingRay of SicknessWitch Bolt
Casting Time1 action1 action
ComponentsV, SV,S,M
Damage WithPoisonlightning
DurationInstantaneousConcentration, atleast 1 minute
Level1st Level1st Level
RacesTiefling (Balzebul)NA
Range60 feet30 Feet
Save withconstitutionNothing
School TypeNecromancyEvocation
SubclassesSorcerer, WizardSorcerer, Wizard, Warlock

Ray of Sickness 5e Vs Hold Person 5e

Now here is The Great Analysis Between Ray 5e & Hold Person also, Check Below Table And Also Suggest Which One is Better For You.

HeadingRay of SicknessHold person 5e
Casting Time1 action1 action
ComponentsV, SV,S,M
Damage WithPoison 
DurationInstantaneousConcentration, atleast 1 minute
Level1st Level2nd Level
RacesTiefling (Balzebul)NA
Range60 feet60 feet
Save withconstitutionWIS Save
School TypeNecromancyEnchantment
SubclassesSorcerer, WizardNA

Ray of Sickness 5e Vs Chill touch 5e

You Can Check Below Table To Get better Knowledge About Both 5e Spell Major Difference and Major Similarity Below Table Can Show.

major Similarities is Both 5e Spell has Same Components as V & S & Most IMP Differance between Both is Range Both has Opposite Range One has 60 & Another has Double Range Around 120.

HeadingRay of SicknessChill touch 5e
Casting Time1 action1 action
ComponentsV, SV, S
Damage WithPoison Necrotic
DurationInstantaneous1 Round
Level1st LevelCantrip
RacesTiefling (Balzebul)NA
Range60 feet120 feet
Save withconstitution Ranged
School TypeNecromancyNecromancy
SubclassesSorcerer, WizardSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

Final Words

Finally we can say That we have Given as You Want, We have Fully Tried here To Give Some Amazing Information About This 5e Spell Called Ray of Sickness 5e, What You Think About This Content Please Share With Us,

We have Tried To Compare Other Similar & Different 5e Spell With Each Other So, You Can Easily Understand All of Them, we have also Add Graph image For Better understanding.

Finally What You Want From us. Please Share Comment and Suggest your Thought About This Article & Website.

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